Kalokairi Cardigan

I started a beautiful summer cardigan last September on the way to Greece.

I love top down garments as you can design as you go along.  I used some stash yarn and some great yarn I had purchased at Yarningham in Birmingham last year.  A lovely vendor market held once a year in Birmingham, with  a range of great independent yarn dyers.

One of the highlights at the time was saying Hi to Dani of Little Bobbins podcast who was absolutely lovely, and her wonderful Mum who was also there.

I bought a few beautiful skeins from Snuggly Stars Yarn, The Yarn Lab, Riverknits, Yarn Angels and Phileas Yarns, and they will be part of something wonderful in the future.

However for this project I used four yarns as follows:

A fingering weight, 50% SW Merino and 50% Silk in the ‘Belle’ colourway from Sable Yarns.

A fingering weight, 70% SW Merino and 30% Silk from Yarn Angels in the ‘Orchis’ colourway.

From stash:

A pure lace weight, Merino Superwash, in Malabrigo Rios, in the ‘Pink Frost’ colourway from the Wool Warehouse in Leamington Spa. (Held double)

A lace weight, Superwash Merino from Manos Del Uruguay, in the ‘Marina’ colourway from a great little wool shop called Ippikin in Much Wenlock. (Held double)

I am using 3.00 mm needles.

I did a provisional cast on as I want to knit the neck band last, hence the blue cast on you can see in the images.

I had great fun knitting this cardi which took a year and a half to complete in the end as I became so busy with this and that and other projects.

I will hopefully share some pics here.  I may write up the pattern.  Watch this space.

Happy Knitting!

Mini Monster Intarsia Cushion

Do you need a small project to use up your spare yarn, and practice some new colour-work skills? This little monster will eat up your stash and is great as a plushy ornament, toy, pincushion, festive ornament or just as a mini cushion on your sofa!

intarsia mini monster zarina keyani 1000px

The pattern is available on the knitting website Ravelry.  Click here for the pattern.

Mini Monster Cushions – Scrappy Project

Its snowing outside and what better way to have fun at home, than whip up some little monsters and get rid of some of those leftover yarn scraps all at once. Scroll down for free pattern!

mmini monster cushion chunky 2

Scrappy projects are usually huge and long winded.  These little terrors take an hour most and are great as gifts or pincushions or tree decorations etc.  Click on the link for the free pattern and have a go.  Any queries click here!

mini monster cushion dk yarn

mini monster cushion pattern

Extreme Knits

I like the term extreme knits.  Something the Fruity Knitting podcast guys have come up with.  Doing my own extreme knitting.  Usually involves a park and possibly a bike ride through it!

This was Hanbury Hall.  Beautiful National Trust house and gardens plus my Shetland mix socks which I have since finished and wearing!

hanbury hall extreme knits


Knitting is something I have always done just for the fun of it.  I have discovered so many knitters via utube and in general with great blogs and vlogs.  Type ‘knitting’ in utube for a general all round knitting experience.

Currently enjoying cabling.
